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Building CGIs with Revolution - Part 5

by Jacqueline Landman-Gay

Using stacks as libraries with CGIs

So far we have looked only at text-based solutions. All our previous examples have used text files to do the actual work and return the results to the user's browser. These work fine for simple scripts, especially those where you only want to harness the power of the engine and you don't need to access an existing stack. There's an easier way to write more complex scripts though: using stacks themselves as cgi scripts.

Advantages to using stack-based scripts

There are many advantages to this approach, the main one being that you can debug your scripts directly within Revolution and make use of all its support structures such as the script editor, debug mode, the variable and message watchers, and the message box. Once you have a script that runs successfully within the Revolution IDE, you can move the stack to the server, open it using a single command in the CGI text file, and have the stack do all the work.

Some other advantages of this approach are:

  • a stack can be open for reference in Revolution at same time Apache is using it
  • the script validator ensures correct syntax during editing
  • you can encrypt the stack by setting a password, making it more secure than a text file
  • you have access to custom properties and stack objects, as well as other stacks and libraries. There is no need to store external text or template files; store them as custom properties or in fields instead. This reduces clutter in the CGI folder and keeps all the pieces the script needs in one place: directly within the stack.

Changing the Addresses example CGI

The Addresses stack we used in the last example already contains a disabled stack script that uses a variation on the search CGI we wrote earlier. (If you haven't downloaded the sample Addresses stack yet, you can get it here.)The script has a single librarystack handler which does the same processing as our original CGI text file script. The primary difference between this script and the previous CGI script is the omission of the start using command. We don't need to start using the stack, since the library command in the CGI text file accomplishes that already.

We'll assume you already have the Addresses stack installed in your cgi folder. Edit the script of the stack and remove the comment hyphens from the first line, so that the handler is enabled. Save the stack and close it.

All you need to do now to make this technique work is to change the addressSearch.cgi file so that it uses only a single line:

on startup
library "addresses.rev"
end startup

When this CGI runs, it uses the library command to put the Addresses stack in use. When this happens, a librarystack system message is sent by the engine. The Addresses stack has an on librarystack handler that catches the system message, and this handler does the actual data search and formats the results as HTML to send back to the browser. The bulk of the handler inside the stack is the same as the one our previous CGI used, but because it is a stack script, we can debug it far more easily inside Revolution than we can remotely via the server.

Using this method, it is possible to keep the stack open in Revolution at the same time you are testing it on the server with the CGI text file. If you receive errors, you can correct them in the stack, save the stack, and re-run the CGI to test it again.

Note that if your librarystack handler uses environment variables, you will need to include some variables in your handler temporarily that supply the same values when running inside the Revolution IDE. The copy of the engine running the CGI request is not the same copy of Revolution you are using for debugging. The debugger will not trigger when the stack is responding to a CGI request from the server; when you test, you'll need to call the handler from the message box and supply environment variable values as parameters, or else fill those values using temporary lines of script inside the handler.

You do not need to include all your code within the librarystack handler alone. Your script is free to call other handlers and functions in the stack just as it does when the stack runs within the GUI environment. You can put substacks in use, send messages to other parts of the stack, use database calls, or anything else as long as the commands do not require the GUI to run.

Nor do you need to place all the code in the stack. You are free to divide your scripts between the CGI text file and the stack script; for example, you may prefer to use stacks to gather data and the CGI text file to format the results as HTML. How you divide the code is up to you. The CGI text file functions very much like a backscript, and you can use it that way if you like.

Going farther: The LibCGI library

Rodney Tamblyn and Monte Goulding have written a powerful library called LibCGI that takes the use of library stacks one step farther. They have constructed a system that works for any number of stacks installed on a server. The library comes with extensive documentation and many examples. One big advantage of this library is that only one CGI text file is needed for any number of stacks or requests. Install the CGI file included with the library and you can direct all your web page requests to it, regardless of which stack the request needs to use.

Some advantages of LibCGI are:

  • Error reporting is more comprehensive and verbosity level can be set
  • Automatic logging
  • Allows your scripts to easily write to the system log. Also, the LibCGI stack itself displays the system log so you don't have to open Console
  • Only one CGI text file is needed; it can be directed to use any number of stacks or commands
  • The library parses and extracts the form's parameters for you, so your scripts don't have to
  • The library has built-in cookie management, send email example (using Sean Sao's libSMTP stack), database access, and request and error logging

Stacks that use LibCGI need to implement certain minimal requirements, particularly:

  • The global variable gRequestA must be declared in the librarystack handler if you need to access parameters.
  • Scripts must use LibCGI's handler libCGI_Response to return the data.
  • The HTML form, or the URL parameters, must include two hidden fields named "stack" and "cmd".

These rules are well explained in the documentation. They also include some discussion on how to debug CGIs on the server.

LibCGI is available through RevNet (accessible from Revolution's Plugins menu,) or from

Courtesy of Jacqueline Landman Gay
Hyperactive Software

©2005 Runtime Revolution Ltd, 15-19 York Place, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, EH1 3EB.
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