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MacWorld Winners

by David Simpson


MacWorld Expo 2007 was a success for .com Solutions Inc., and we had a great time talking with customers about Revolution Studio, along with showing my company's products which were developed with Revolution. We spoke with a number of Revolution developers who stopped by the booth, and enjoyed exchanging programming ideas. We are looking forward to meeting again at the next RevCon. Unfortunately I had a scheduling conflict and couldn't attend the Revolution dinner on Tuesday evening, I was looking forward to that event.


At the .com Solutions booth during MacWorld Expo 2007 in San Francisco, Revolution sponsored a drawing for 2 copies of Revolution Studio 2. Our first winner on 1-10-2007 was Scott Newton.

Scott works for icon integration consultants in San Francisco. Scott said that he has had a desire to learn more about programming, so he is glad to have won a copy of Revolution Studio. He also mentioned that he would like someone to write a replacement for an application named Watson. Watson had multiple modules which would pull info from a variety of websites and display the info within the app. I mentioned to Scott that he should be able to write an app with these features with Revolution. The new Rev Browser features available in Q1 2007 will be a very useful addition to Revolution developers who want to add web browser capabilities to their applications.


Our 2nd winner on 1-12-2007 was Michael McMillan, a student at Los Rios Community Colleges.

Michael is taking General Education classes with an emphasis on Information Technology and Programming. He already has some excellent programming experience including Perl, Visual Basic, C and COBOL on multiple operating systems. Michael says that he has heard of Revolution previously and is looking forward to doing some development in Revolution. We discussed database capabilities with Revolution, connecting to external databases, using cards and stacks, and how much easier he was going to find it to use compared to other languages like C. I also mentioned the new Rev SQL Lite feature, which I am looking forward to utilizing as an embedded database in a new project I want to develop.

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