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Ten Top Reasons to Attend the Revolution Live Conference

by Heather Nagey

Are you undecided about attending the conference? Need a reason to convince the boss (or the wife) that its worthwhile? Take your pick from the top ten reasons - I had to stop after ten, they took my keyboard away...

  1. Education: You'll learn more about Revolution in a day than you would in a month on your own. Are you a newbie? In four days, you will come away with a whole new understanding of what you can do in this fantastic program. Are you a longstanding Revolution user? Even the Gurus learn at these conferences. Revolution is such a hugely powerful and flexible environment, its impossible to know everything you could ever want to do with it (unless you are Mark Waddingham, but we don't think he's entirely human).
  2. Networking: You'll meet a bunch of great people who also use Revolution. People who understand. People who have already figured out the answer to that programming question that keeps you awake at night. People who have figured out the answer to the question that is going to keep you awake next month. People who have the answers to questions you didn't even know you needed to ask! You can swap stories, make business connections, get ideas for software, even meet your next boss...or employee. The possibilities are endless.
  3. Meet Us: You'll meet the top management of Runtime Revolution, hear them speak, and have an opportunity to influence them. Buttonhole the CEO and find out if your pet project is on next years agenda!
  4. The Speakers: This is your opportunity to meet Robert Cailliau - the man who co-invented the web - and hear him speak, as well as Revolution Gurus such as Phil Davis, Andre Garzia, and Jacqueline Landman Gay.
  5. Future Plans: The NDA session will give you exclusive information you will not get anywhere else on what we're planning to do with Revolution in the coming year. Kevin Miller and Mark Waddingham will share their vision and give you previews of the Future Revolution.

  6. Las Vegas: A top holiday destination, and not just for the casinos and nightlife. If shows and thrill rides are not your thing, how about hiking in the Nevada desert or climbing in Red Rock Canyon?
  7. Weather: Boasting more than 300 days of sun a year, its a great deal better than Scotland!


  8. Free Ticket: Many of you took advantage of our recent MegaBundle offer and are now proud possessors of a free ticket to the conference pre-day. How much easier can we make it?
  9. Free Software: Yup, that's right. We're giving away free stuff. Every attendee will get a free boxed copy of the latest shipping edition of Revolution Studio, plus a goody bag of other nice treats.

  10. Fun: You'll have more fun than a barrel of monkeys going down Niagara falls.

Visit and get your ticket today!

©2008 Runtime Revolution Ltd, 15-19 York Place, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, EH1 3EB.
Questions? Email for answers.