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A Glimpse of RevLive 2008

by Kevin Miller, Runtime CEO

Here in Scotland we have been busy getting ready for RevLive 2008. Along with coordinating the conference as a whole, tickets are being booked, sessions written and technology is being developed at a frantic pace. As the conference approaches, I thought I would tell you a bit more about what's going to be in the conference and in particular some more about the sessions that I'm going to be presenting.

I will be opening the pre-conference day with the session introducing Revolution. In that session I'll talk about the big picture - what makes Revolution tick. If you're just starting out with Revolution then this entire day is going to be packed with invaluable sessions that will get you up to speed with the basics. We will be covering processing text, working with the Internet, converting HyperCard stacks, working with databases, multimedia - going right through to building and deploying your completed application. You can anticipate a great line up of speakers in these sessions - you'll be learning from the people who use each of these areas of Revolution day-in, day-out. The sessions have been structured so that by the end of it you should have a good enough knowledge to be able to follow and benefit from the sessions in the main conference.

On the Friday morning the main conference begins in earnest. I'll be presenting the opening keynote where I talk about some of the successes our customers have had with Revolution. I'll talk about where Runtime is at as a company, including an overview of the many positive changes that have taken place recently at our Edinburgh headquarters. Then I'll talk about what we have in store over the coming months. I will be including a live presentation of forthcoming new technology. I can't tell you much more about that yet, other than that I will be featuring a topic "Revolution and the web"!

The two main conference days contain a packed line up covering every aspect of using Revolution. From organizing your code, to getting up to speed with the new features in 2.9, to marketing your solution - it will all be there. We'll be announcing lots more details about these sessions very shortly now, so keep an eye on the website and this newsletter. We'll have sessions from many of the most prominent Revolution community members, as well as from our own technology director, Mark Waddingham and other Runtime team members. We'll be having more Runtime staff on hand to solve your problems and answer your questions at this event than any previously.

On the Sunday we have the road map day. This day is covered by non-disclosure agreement and in it Mark & I will be presenting a comprehensive outline of where we're at and where we are going. This session will follow on from the keynote and look at what we're working on in a lot more detail. Then we'll enter a question and answer session where Mark & I will will answer any question you can think up. Well, almost any question. If you use Revolution day in day out, this session is surely not to be missed.

So, I look forward to seeing you at the conference in May. If you haven't booked your ticket yet, its worth noting that the Super Early Bird special (giving you an extra 10% off the early-bird pricing) runs out at the end of February - thats next week. You can sign up here.

©2008 Runtime Revolution Ltd, 15-19 York Place, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, EH1 3EB.
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