revUp - Updates and news for the Revolution community
Issue 136 | July 13th 2012 Contact the Editor | How to Contribute

RunRev Events
What's going on and coming up in the RunRev world

by Heather Nagey

We've quite a roundup of news to bring you. New LiveCode Apps have been published, interesting conferences and events are coming up, and we continue to participate in various communities on and offline.

The Turing Festival
Perhaps most excitingly, our CEO Kevin Miller has been invited to speak at the Turing Festival in Edinburgh, this August. Why are we so excited about this? Well, for one thing its an invitation only event for speakers. For another, its in Edinburgh, right on our doorstep. A third reason is that this festival is in honour of Alan Turing, father of modern computing. But really, the biggest reason for our excitment is the speaker line up. Kevin will be in the most illustrious company. From the festival website:

We are delighted to announce that Apple Founder Steve Wozniak shall headline the Turing Festival this year. Steve Wozniak co-founded Apple Computer, Inc. with Steve Jobs and led a revolution in modern computing. As headline act of this year’s Turing Festival, he talks on his life at Apple, entrepreneurship, his autobiography iWoz and the future of computing and the web. 2012 is the Alan Turing Centenary and Woz is a fitting part of these international celebrations.

Wow. If you're anywhere near Edinburgh at the end of August, this is an event you should not miss.

Customer Apps
I've two LiveCode customer apps to talk about this month. Gary Simpson told us about his newly updated app Dictaphone, and Two Sore Thumbs have a charming Catch the Train game which is getting good reviews on iTunes. Here's what iTunes says about them.


A simple audio dictation application. Keep audible notes as reminders or reference. Export recordings as .mp3 files, for attaching to email or uploading to the web. With retro styling and animated interface Dictaphone will be a pleasure to use again and again.


  • Unlimited recordings.
  • CD quality sound.
  • Export any recording to folder.
  • Recording level indication.

Catch The Train:

Meet the commuters! Your job is to help them get to work on time, by
putting them on the train within the time limit.

It’s an incredibly fun and simple game to play, that requires nothing
more than quick reflexes and quick thinking.

Customer Reviews

What a cool little game by dfader

Love this little game, super cool music fills up the time during the commute.

All aboard, all aboard, woah-oh by C-London

Sums up the Tube:human condition

Addictive by Gentlemanboxer

Came across this entertaining little game this morning, have a feeling I'll be on it all morning...simply addictive with great Soundtrack.

Download them and see what you think!

Columbia LiveCode Event
While we were holding RunRevLive in Atlantic City, a completely different LiveCode event was taking place in Columbia.

Luis Astorquiza gave a presentation in Spanish, at the Campus Party Colombia 2012. It went extremely well, you can view it on youtube, here. Luis was so enthused he has set up a Latin American Facebook page for LiveCode. He is hoping to repeat the event in Ecuador at Campus Party Quito, next month, so if you are a LiveCoder in South America, go along and support him!


About the Author

Heather Nagey is Customer Services Manager for RunRev Ltd.




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