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Building CGI's with Revolution, part 1

by Jacqueline Landman-Gay


What's a CGI?

CGI is an abbreviation for Common Gateway Interface, a standard for interfacing external applications with information servers such as web servers. Unlike plain HTML documents, which are static, a CGI program can create and deliver customized dynamic information in real-time, on the fly as needed.

Common uses for CGI include processing forms, delivering automated email, and creating customized or dynamic content for web pages such as database inquiries, rotating photos, or local time or weather conditions.

How they work

CGIs are requested by a browser as part of the web page URL. When the server sees such a request, it retrieves the requested script and hands it off to whatever application the script specifies. The script does whatever it is programmed to do and returns some data to the server, which then sends the results back to the user's browser.

Revolution advantages

If you already know Revolution, the strongest advantage in using Revolution for CGIs is simple familiarity. Revolution is a robust language that is easy to use, and you can employ the skills you already have.

Another advantage is speed. The Revolution engine is very fast, and because it runs without the GUI, startup time is virtually instantaneous. In addition, most servers cache the engine and need to do only minimal loading to create an instance of your application each time a CGI request is made. But even the first time the script is run, initialization time is negligible. While a Revolution CGI is not suitable for sites with extremely heavy traffic, it does just fine for most.


Revolution CGIs are very safe and difficult to abuse. Of course, CGIs written in any language are only as secure as you make them, but Revolution contains no known vulnerabilities that can be exploited remotely. As long as you don't process parameters indiscriminately with generic "do" or "send" commands, and if you limit the locations where your script writes files, a Revolution CGI will be secure.

If your script needs to process parameters, be sure to examine them before allowing your script to act on them. For example, don't write a script containing the line do the params; a malicious request could send a parameter containing a command to delete a file and your script would blithely execute it. In addition, don't create scripts that write files outside the CGI folder if those files must be secure.

If your scripts follow these common sense rules, there isn't any good way to hack into a Revolution CGI.

The two ways to do Revolution CGIs

Most CGIs, regardless of the language they are written in, are implemented using plain text files which contain the scripts that will execute. Revolution fully supports this standard implementation. In addition, Revolution also supports the ability to use stacks as CGIs, which opens up a wide range of possibilities unavailable in other languages. We'll explore both methods in this tutorial, starting with a standard CGI text file and moving on later to using stacks.

Installing the Revolution engine

To create and run a CGI, you will need at least two things: the Revolution engine and a script. The remainder of this tutorial addresses the scripts. But to begin with, make a copy of your Revolution application and place it in the cgi folder on your server. If you are running Apache, this is most likely a folder called "cgi" or "cgi-bin" located in your main web directory. You do not need to install any additional stacks — only the Revolution executable is required.

Rename the application "revolution" (note the lower-case "r".) All the examples in the tutorial use this spelling, so if you are following along, you'll need to make the same change to your copy.

A tool for installing the engine: Andre Garzia has written a Revolution stack that can access an FTP server, upload the engine file to your cgi folder, and set the permissions for it. This is another way to get the job done. You can download his cgiTool here.

Note to Mac OS X users: If you are using Mac OS X, you must download the "Darwin" version of Revolution, which is used exclusively for CGIs running in OS X. The Darwin engine is available from Runtime's web site, here.

Decompress the file and place the engine in the OS X cgi folder, which is located at /Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables. Note that this is the main Library folder on the hard drive, not the Library folder inside your user folder. When referencing the CGI-Executables folder from a URL, OS X recognizes "cgi-bin" as a valid alias for the "CGI-Executables" folder, so you can use either of those folder names interchangeably in URLs.

If you are using OS X, Apache is already preinstalled. All you need to do is make sure that you have enabled Web Sharing in the Sharing pane of the System Preferences.

Note to IIS users on Windows XP: If you are using IIS, you can follow these instructions for installation, by Dave Cragg:

You can place the engine anywhere on the XP hard drive. You then just have to configure IIS to link the extension you use for the cgi scripts to the Rev cgi engine. (In my case, I use ".mt") You do this in the IIS administration utility. The general procedure is like this (probably useful to read the online docs for IIS configuration before starting):

* In the IIS Admin Utility, create a virtual directory for placing your cgi scripts.
* In the Admin Utility, select the virtual directory and select properties (File menu or right click??)
* Set the Execute Permissions for this directory to "Scripts and Executables"
* Click the Configuration button (You will se a list of mappings between file extensions and executables)
* Click Add
* Enter the path to the executable (or use Browse) and the extension of your scripts (e.g. .mt). IMPORTANT: After the executable path add " %s %s". For example, in my case the path is: F:\mc_cgi\cmc.exe %s %s

Dave also mentions these two hints (which may make more sense after you have worked through this tutorial:)

1. The cgi scripts under IIS don't need the #! line that you use under Linux/OS X (but will cause no problem if present)
2. I've found it useful to add a short wait at the end of the startup handler, like this:

on startup
## usual cgi stuff
wait 20 milliseconds
end startup

Setting permissions

Most operating systems require that files have the proper permissions set; without the right permissions, Revolution will not run. You will need to set the permissions for every new file you place into the cgi folder on the server, including the Revolution engine itself. In almost all cases, file permissions should be set to 755 (readable and executable by all, writable by owner.) This setting prohibits a script from writing to the file, however; if you need to write to a file then see the "Working with text files" section of the tutorial for some suggestions.

You can use either an FTP program or a terminal program to set permissions. If you are using an FTP program, connect to your remote server as you normally do, and use its built-in functions to set the permissions of the Revolution application. Most FTP programs provide a menu item or some other way to set file permissions. If you want to use an FTP program to connect to your own machine, you may be able to use "" as the local IP, and navigate to your cgi folder from there.

If you are using a terminal program, log into the server, cd to the cgi folder and issue chmod 755 revolution to set the permissions for the engine file. Depending on the configuration, some operating systems may not work with these permissions; if you have trouble, try setting permissions this way: chmod 555 revolution. We have heard that some Linux servers require this.

Hint: If setting permissions isn't your thing, then just do it once for the Revolution engine, and once more for a blank text file stored inside your cgi folder. After that, whenever you need a new file, make a copy of the blank and use that. The new copy will retain the old permissions.

Now you're installed and ready to go, don't miss the next issue of the newsletter, where we look at creating Simple CGI's.

Jacqueline Landman-Gay
Hyperactive Software

6th July 2006

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