revUp - Updates and news for the Revolution community
Issue 58 * October 10 2008 Contact the Editor * How to Contribute
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> Revolution in Education
> Predicting the future with Mystic Mark – Part Three
> Beyond Games
> Faster Anagram Finder
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Revolution in Education
A practical Chalkboard demonstration


Over the coming weeks Judy Perry has kindly agreed to share her thoughts with us on the subject of Revolution in Education. As an opening shot, here is a very nice little example of Revolution in action, proving that there is indeed such a word as "can't" in the English language.

Judy has many years of experience as a university lecturer and is well placed to look at the uses of Revolution in such a context. I look forward to hearing more from her in future editions of revUP.


Predicting the future with Mystic Mark – Part Three

Last time around, we left our gradient moving at a constant (uniform) speed in a circle around a central point. However, if you recall, the original stack had a nice fade-in/speed-up and fade-out/slow-down effect at the beginning and end of the animation. Find out how to achieve this.


Beyond Games

Have you seen the possibilities of animationEngine? Maybe you're already using it to animate games, or maybe you have a copy somewhere on your computer you haven't really explored yet. Now is your chance! Fire it up and follow through this interesting tutorial to see what else you can use this great little plugin for.


Faster Anagram Finder

This handy tutorial is a classic example of the adage "there's more ways than one to skin a cat". Some time ago we published an article on how to use Revolution to find anagrams. This reader was not satisfied, and now for your pleasure, here is a faster, better, optimized method, for longer strings.