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Revolution Director of Technology to Attend EuroRevCon

by Heather Nagey

Preparations for EuroRevCon are in full swing, and Mark Waddingham, our Chief Technology Director, has just announced he will be attending. I caught up with him earlier today, and asked him for a few minutes of his precious time, to let you all know his thoughts on this important conference.

Mark is Runtime Revolution's Chief Technology Director. A member of the team since April, 2004, Mark has only to complete his thesis for a Ph.D. in Pure Mathematics. He plays the piano at a near-professional level and loves literature. As you can guess, he scores off the chart on most 'geek tests'. ;)

What will you be talking about?

I will be presenting the future direction of the 3.x cycle, and how we are planning to reinvent Revolution for the evolving software world. This session will be covered by a non-disclosure agreement. I will also be holding a special problem solving session with users, covering issues presented by yourselves, which should be a lot of fun.

Will this information be available to customers anywhere else?

No, the session about our plans for the Revolution 3.x cycle will be NDA'd; this conference will be the only opportunity for developers to get their hands on this information.

What do you anticipate being the highlights?

Meeting the users, both old friends and new faces, and hearing what they have to say about Revolution. Also, the weather in Malta in November. Edinburgh in November is not a warm place, Malta has to be better! I'm looking forward to talking about Revolution, its use by customers today and its future direction. I love talking about the technical workings of the program to like minded people :).

How do you think it will compare with RevConWest?

Good question. I think it will have a different slant, with mostly European users present. Perhaps a more intimate feel, and hopefully a lot of new faces that didn't make it to the US.

Have you been to Malta before?

No. I don't know much about Malta. I'm looking forward to it, it will be a new experience. Hopefully I won't be beset with bugfix requests... :)

On behalf of our readers, thank you for your time Mark, we all know you are a busy man. Its very exciting that you will be personally attending this conference to exchange thoughts with our user base.

So, thats the scoop folks, get yourselves over to Malta and meet the Man in the Know about the future of our favourite programming environment!

©2005 Runtime Revolution Ltd, 15-19 York Place, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, EH1 3EB.
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