disabled buttons

Ken Norris pixelbird at interisland.net
Thu Feb 26 02:30:39 EST 2004

Hi Thomas,

> Date: Wed, 25 Feb 2004 15:06:12 -0500
> From: Thomas McGrath III <3mcgrath at adelphia.net>
> Subject: Re: disabled buttons
> Robert,
> my problem is they don't pass mouseUp's either. I need them to.
> If disabled i want the mouseUp to go to the item under the disabled
> button.
It won't do that from your top button if it's disabled.

Disabled means disabled...it doesn't work. You can send a message
'externally' in another script, but a disabled button won't respond to mouse
events, 0, zilch, nada, end of story.

I'm having difficulty making any sense of why a user would expect a disabled
button to do anything, but you could put a mouseUp handler in the card
instead of the button and spec it thus:

on mouseUp
  if the mouseLoc is within the rect of button "TopButton" then
    if the disabled of button "TopButton" is true then
      send mouseUp to button "UnderButton"
    end if
  end if
  pass mouseUp
end mouseUp

Ken N.

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