write fails

Robert Brenstein rjb at robelko.com
Thu Aug 25 13:03:22 EDT 2005

>Thanks Ken!
>So, you could say:
>Put tMyText after URL(tFileURL)
>But, would this be just as good as opening a file for append, then
>adding information to that file?
>Basically, does the open/append/add method load the entire file into
>memory, then add the text, then write the new text back to disk? Does
>the put after URL method do that?

I haven't done any testing with newer versions of Rev but I 
investigated this a couple years ago when adding a logging function 
to my web cgi. Using the open for append/write/close was determined 
to be somewhat more efficient than the url method (and confirmed by 
Scott Raney at that time).


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