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Universal Binary and Windows Database Solutions with Valentina 2.4

by Lynn Fredricks


Runtime Revolution Ltd and RevSelect partner Paradigma Software are pleased to announce Valentina 2.4 for Revolution!

Valentina 2.4 for Revolution lets you create and deploy royalty free, ultra-fast database solutions with Revolution. The Valentina object-relational database system is optimized for speed: even when handling millions of records! You will not find this kind of performance using Filemaker or Microsoft Access. You will be amazed at the speed of Valentina!

We’d like to invite you to download and try Valentina for Revolution and experience some of these new features:

Blazing Universal Binary Speed on Intel Macs. Just like Runtime Revolution is the first rapid application development tool to create universal binary applications, Valentina for Revolution on MacOS X is Universal Binary native, and beta testers have been shipping ultra fast database solutions with it, months before other Universal Binary databases came to market. Runtime Revolution and Valentina 2.4 is your complete solution for native Universal Binary database applications.

RevDB and RevDB Bridge. Valentina 2.4 is now compatible with RevDB, Runtime Revolution’s Database Library and Database Query Builder. RevDB is your fast and easy way to set up and query databases with Revolution Studio or higher. You can also bridge your work between RevDB and native Valentina 2.4 calls.

New Installer Stack and Set Up Improvements. An example stack shows how to set up and install the external in developing your own database applications.

Packet Based Communication Protocol. Valentina 2.4 introduces a new packet based protocol that allows better separation of commands, data-compression and more in database communications.

Breakthrough Speed Advancement in Re-indexing Algorithms. New methods allow re-indexing of numeric fields at much greater speeds for fields equal or smaller than 4 bytes: Byte, Short, Ushort, Medium, Medium, Long, ULong, Float, Date, Time. The disk space for these indexes has been cut in half.

Simpler VConnection. A new constructor method makes set up easier and uniform over all Valentina products.

Don’t forget that Valentina is the product of years of advanced research into object-relational databases and includes what you would expect from a modern database management system:

Valentina SQL. Work entirely in Revolution or use industry standard SQL ‘92 with Valentina object-relational extensions.

XML and Text Import/Export. Utilize XML import/export on the fly to transform both your data and your database schema into XML.

Powerful Encryption. Strong 448-bit encryption operates on entire databases, tables and fields.

Unicode Support. Utilize UTF-16 to create databases that are usable with every major language in the world. See why major Japanese corporations use Valentina.

Over 60 Code Examples. Paradigma Software has created over 60 examples that let you see how to perform any sort of database function in Revolution.

Free, Open Community Support. Paradigma Software maintains a mailing list and forum to provide the Valentina developer community with support.

Valentina ADK Standard Edition (for one operating system, MacOS X or Windows) costs only $199 - that is all it costs to start delivering fast, royalty free database solutions. Valentina ADK Professional includes BOTH Windows and MacOS X versions (PPC and MacIntel), and also includes Valentina Studio, an administration tool that lets you create and manage Valentina databases visually, execute SQL commands and more - Valentina ADK Profssional costs $299.

Purchase Valentina ADK Standard Edition (MacOS) Now.

Purchase Valentina ADK Standard Edition (Windows) Now.

Purchase Valentina ADK Professional Edition (Mac + Windows + Valentina Studio) Now.

3rd August 2006

Announcing Revolution 2.7.3


Building CGI's with Revolution, Part 3

Skinning in Revolution


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