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Issue 135 | June 15th 2012 Contact the Editor | How to Contribute

Learning By Academy
The month is over, the results are in, and what have we learned from the Business Academy?

by Heather Nagey

Business Academy

The first Small Business Academy officially ended on 1st June, with the first batch of graduates coming out the other end after watching 60 videos short videos and learning - what exactly?

Well, quite a lot it seems! Here are some of the things you've been saying about it:

" fantastic series!! I too have been looking forward to the daily release of these gems. While I didn't have time to experiment with each tutorial, I eagerly downloaded and saved each one to my permanent library.

The Summer and Game Academy was great too, but with those videos, it's often hard to find the info you need when you need it, they being close to a hour long. THESE Business Academy videos are short and to the point, and great for quickly getting up to speed on critical topics.

And watching Kevin work was also a treat. I learned SO much! So many little things I had missed before! For example, in that last lesson about Timers. Now I know what that Suppress Messages button is really used for. That will be a big time saver."
- neil

"great video series... Got me hooked! I learned more in this series then I could have ever learned searching the forum... I’d pay $25 a month to keep them coming! Hint!!!" - chris

Well, I'm not sure about that Chris, although there is certainly no shortage of suggestions for further videos!

In case you are wondering, here is what the Suppress Messages button is for, from the Timer lesson:

Stopping a Runaway Timer

suppress messages

If you are having a problem with a timer, and need to stop it to debug, you can temporarily stop all pending messages by clicking "Messages" in the Toolbar. You should use this with caution as it will stop everything, and you may get unexpected behaviors.

Rolling Enrolment

After seeing just how helpful and popular the Business Academy is proving, what we have decided to do is make it a rolling enrolment course. So now you can sign up at any time, and get a month of videos emailed to you, 2 per day. Great news if you missed the 1st May signup date!

Academy SuperBundle DVD


Something else we are doing is making all the academies we have created to date available on one handy data format DVD. This avoids all the hassle of downloading the samples and pdfs, or any issues in streaming the videos online, if your internet connection isn't the best. So if you loved the Business Academy, you'd like to take a look at what we did in the Game Academy or you're interested in the Summer Academy where we taught you how to create your first Mobile App, grab your copy of this great resource today! We've put all three academies on the DVD, plus all the associated materials, stacks, samples, graphics and pdfs. It adds up to a grand total of 74 videos, pretty impressive!

The Building Block Format

I think the biggest thing we learned here at RunRev from this Academy, is that 3-4 minutes is a great length for a lesson. It lets you really work on learning just one bite sized topic, and (forgive the pun) get your teeth into it. When you combine video with the text and images in the accompanying documentation, plus a sample stack, you have a winning combination that really enables you, the users, to learn how to create your own, full featured, all singing, all dancing app. That makes you happy. And what makes you happy, makes us very happy indeed!


About the Author

Heather Nagey is Customer Services Manager for RunRev Ltd.





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