revUp - Updates and news for the Revolution community
Issue 89 | March 23rd 2010 Contact the Editor | How to Contribute

revMobile Competition
Enter your best revMobile iPhone app to win an iPad!

by Heather Nagey

It's the new way to develop iPhone apps that everyone is talking about. We've been thrilled to hear how excited you all are about revMobile. We'd love to see what you've been up to already with just our pre-alpha build. So we're announcing a build-an-app competition with some great prizes.

Send us your Apps

What can you build today with the current pre-alpha build of revMobile? As early-stage as this version is, we've seen some of you build some pretty cool things already. If you've got something you'd like to show off then what better way than to sign-up for our iPhone app competition.

The Criteria

We're looking for fun or interesting applications that show off what you can do with revMobile already. We'll be giving prizes for the thinking behind your app concept, the usability and aesthetics of the app and the number of iPhone OS features you use.

We'll divide points evenly between the following areas:

  • Application or game concept
  • Aesthetics
  • Number of iPhone OS features used
  • Fun factor (games) or Usefulness (apps)

The Prizes

We have some amazing mobile-themed prizes to give away. In first place we have an all new Apple iPad!

1st Prize: Apple iPad - a $499 value
2nd Prize: iPod touch - $199 value
3rd Prize: $100 iTunes vouchers

A Series of Lessons and Videos

To help you with your entry, over the course of the next few weeks we will be making available a series of short videos, showing how to use our pre-alpha features in your app. Also, don't forget to check out our Lessons area, full of information and step-by-step guides. We'll be adding new lessons on the latest features in the pre-Alpha editions, as they are released.

Give it a Go

Its easier than you think to create an app with revMobile. Why not give it a shot? You'll have a lot of fun along the way and if you're lucky you might just win an iPad. You have until the 21st of April to submit your entry. You can sign up for the competition here.

We'll announce the results and feature the winning apps in our revUp Newsletter shortly after the closing date.

Got a question? Email us. You can view the Competition terms and conditions here.

About the Author

Heather Nagey is Customer Services Manager for RunRev Ltd.

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