revUp - Updates and news for the Revolution community
Issue 141 | October 5th 2012 Contact the Editor | How to Contribute

Regular Round-up
In support of "Girls Who Code", Business Breakfasts in Edinburgh, Space Invaders clone...

by Heather Nagey and Caroline Finlay

Girls Who Code

As part of RunRev's commitment to STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Maths) education we are delighted to be involved with the Girls Who Code initiative and are brainstorming with them the best ways in which we can support their Gala Day in New York on 22nd October.

Girls Who Code is a new organization working to educate, inspire and equip 13- to 17-year-old girls with the skills and resources to pursue opportunities in technology and engineering. From their website they explain why they are doing this:

"Today, just 3.6% of Fortune 500 companies are led by women, and less than 10% of venture capital-backed companies have female founders. Yet females use the internet 17% more than their male counterparts and represent the fastest growing demographic online and on mobile, creating more than two-thirds of content on social networking sites. Technology companies with more women on their management teams have a 34% higher return on investment, and companies with women on technical teams increases teams' problem-solving ability and creativity."

You can learn more about the thinking behind this initiative in this very interesting youtube video:

Business Breakfasts
As part of our membership of the Chamber of Commerce and the Federation of Small Businesses RunRev will be running Business Breakfasts on 23rd and 25th of October at its HQ in Edinburgh to help local businesses take advantage of mobile apps for business productivity. If you are running a business in the area, do come along!

Mexican Review
LiveCode was recently reviewed in Mexico. My Spanish is poor... well really non-existant... but happily google provides excellent translation tools. The review picks out the strength that in LiveCode you can deploy your app to multiple platforms, not just Android. Androideity is a Mexican community oriented to teaching and learning to develop Android applications. if you are a Spanish speaker, here you will find technical articles, resources, tutorials and all the material you need to start developing small components that allow you to create Android applications.

Space Invaders

Space InvadersThis week I've had drawn to my attention an entertaining app, from one of our longer standing community members. Saverio Monopoli has written a Space Invaders clone in LiveCode, and is making it freely available, including the source code, to the community. If you'd like to have a look, you can download it here.

Be careful though, if you have work to do. You may find you don't get too much done while you are enjoying this splendidly retro experience, firing on little green aliens with the appropriate pew pew noises and being bombed from above. It's a little harsh when your last bunker suddenly disappears with a hearty explosion, and I felt the final screen was just a little too delighted with my untimely demise. Gloating, even.

As always we are always on the look out for case studies, new LiveCode apps, customer testimonials and interesting ways LiveCode is being used so please contact us with that information. You may find yourself featured in this newsletter!


About the Authors

Heather Nagey is Customer Services Manager for RunRev Ltd

Caroline Finlay is the Sales and Marketing Manager for RunRev Ltd.

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