Issue 78 * September 18 2009

RunRev Sponsors Training
RunRev and BlueMango team up to bring you free training in creating applications

by Trevor DeVore

The transition from making tools in Revolution to releasing applications can be a daunting one. Suddenly you have to consider a whole new set of variables such as where to store user data, how to manage fonts on each platform, how to add undo, and how to keep your application up to date. None of these features will make your app special. They will just be glaring omissions if they aren't present.

This is where the webinar course "Professional Application Development with Revolution" presented by Blue Mango Learning Systems comes in. This 4-session course teaches you about application development techniques in Revolution. We start with how to organize your development work space and go through releasing installers and updaters.

The next course is being held on September 29th and October 1st and includes 4 x 1-hour sessions. What is exciting about the upcoming course is that our friends at RunRev are sponsoring Session I: "Organizing for Success" which means anyone can attend it absolutely free!

In Session I you will learn how to harness the power of Revolution when developing cross-platform applications by setting up your development work space properly. One of the most powerful features of Revolution is the fact that you compile object scripts, not applications. As a developer you can be working on your application in the Revolution IDE and instantly test it on OS X and Windows. Talk about rapid development cycles!

Since Session I is free it is especially applicable to those who are unfamiliar
with Revolution but are looking for a cross-platform development environment as they will see just how fast application development with Revolution can be.

Those who purchase a course pass ($295) will also get access to Sessions II - IV. As developers we want to focus on the features that make our application unique, not on the basic ones that every application needs. These sessions will show you how to deploy, manage and update your application using features that you don't get out of the box with Revolution.

So come and join us on September 29th and October 1st. By working through the included homework assignments and participating in the 4 in depth hour-long lectures (recorded so you can review them later) with accompanying Q and A you will gain a solid understanding of how to tackle cross-platform application development. Plus you will have the tools you need to get started since we use the open-source GLX Application Framework as a foundation to illustrate the concepts discussed.

To learn more about "Professional Application Development with Revolution", register for the free RunRev sponsored session or purchase a course pass to attend all four sessions, go here.

About the Author

Trevor DeVore is a partner in Blue Mango Learning Systems, creator of Screensteps and long time Revolution user.

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