Runtime Revolution
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Join the Revolution

By Guy Jones


Great things are happening with Runtime Revolution. And this last month we have seen the impact as more and more users of other development tools switch to Revolution. These developers who are migrating to Revolution are now the bulk of our new customers. This fact is critical as a bench mark as these users are experienced developers with the knowledge to make difficult decisions; not just newbies, looking for one of the easiest to use RAD tools on the market.

The reason for this, is the convergence of several key features which are the result of years of innovation. Each feature alone is a critical success factor for many developers. Together they represent a revolution. This month is bringing us additional updates to several components and add on products for Revolution.

Here are the key features you will not find together in any other competing RAD tool. Look for exciting developments in each area.

-Universal Binary:Runtime is the only RAD tool in its class to be both Universal Binary as well as compiling UB applications. While other developers are still waiting to be able to compete with applications that are UB, Runtime developers are deploying their solutions on Mac-Intel computers.

-Cross Platform deployment: While there are other development tools that cross compile on both Mac and PC, VB is not one of them. And for the ones that do, Runtime offers more target platforms. Many of those switching are doing so for this feature.

-U3: No other competing RAD tool offers direct one click compilation for U3, one of the most innovative portable storage solutions in the market. This exciting development allows complete freedom for Windows users to take their applications from one machine to another without leaving any trace on each machine.

-Modifiable IDE interface: With products such as Constellation, the Runtime development interface can be modified in ways not available in completing products.

-Database integration: Now, with the release of Valentina Universal Binary, Runtime and Valentina together are the only cross platform deployable development tools that are completely Universal Binary both in the actual IDE as well as the resulting application. And with Valentina, you have considerably more speed than competing database solutions on the Macintosh.

3rd August 2006

Announcing Revolution 2.7.3

Revolution CGI's - a step by step tutorial, part 3


Universal Binary and Windows Database Solutions with Valentina 2.4

Skinning in Revolution


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