revUp - Updates and news for the LiveCode community
Issue 149 | February 15th 2013 Contact the Editor | How to Contribute

Press Cover for OSS LiveCode
We've received a lot of interest in our plans for LiveCode, here is a summary of some of the press coverage so far

by Hanson Schmidt-Cornelius

Time here at RunRev is always exciting, but I have not quite witnessed anything that rivals the magnitude of events and the attention we are currently attracting. The press coverage of our efforts has been unprecedented, since we announced the plan to move LiveCode into the world of the open source community.

Users are ready to receive LiveCode as open source. This is not just something we at RunRev strongly believe. It is something that our excellent user community is confirming. Our efforts are being supported by countless news releases worldwide, embracing our steps of changing the way we program for ever.

We need to be realistic, making LiveCode open source is a substantial undertaking and we have to do it well. Everyone must continue to have the great experience with the level of maturity that LiveCode already offers. Open source must follow in the same footsteps and not only be in reach of those who live and breathe code every day.


If you followed the link to our Kickstart Campaign, then you will know our motivation behind what we are doing, but do not just take our word for it. Read on and find out what other people are thinking and saying about our revelation. This includes coverage from award winning publishers and distributors, some awarded with "Digital Publisher of the Year" by the Association of Online Publishers.

TNW "Today, the company has launched a Kickstarter campaign that will turn a commercial product over to the open source community. RunRev hopes that if it is successful on Kickstarter, it will be able to offer an easy language to learn for many more people and enterprises through open source development collaboration." ~ TNW 29 Jan 2013.
"LiveCode is a well-established graphical IDE built around dragging and dropping of control elements and easy allocation of code to particular elements. LiveCode programs run under Linux, Mac OS, Windows, iOS and Android. A server version available for Linux, Mac OS X and Windows delivers content directly from the web. The software is based on concepts introduced by Apple's 1987 development environment HyperCard, including its strongly natural-English-based programming language HyperTalk." ~ The H (English) Heise (German) 29 Jan 2013 Heise
"If the project gets funded, Runrev promises to develop a version of its Hypercard programming language Livecode that's licensed under the free, open source software (FOSS) General Public Licence version 3 (GPLv3). Licensing under the GPL will mean that all users will be free to obtain and modify the source code of the Livecode implementation, contribute to it and extend the language over time." ~ The Inquirer 4 Feb 2013

"The firm cites statistics which estimate that there will be more than 150,000 U.S. computer science jobs projected annually through to the year 2020 -- but only 40,000 graduates with degrees in the field are entering the workforce every year...

...Makers of LiveCode, RunRev champions its high-level cross-platform software development system for designing applications that run in Windows, Mac OS, Linux and mobile." ~ Computer Weekly 31 Jan 2013


"I don't know about you, but I was a child of the HyperCard generation. ... I spent many hours coming up with great applications that amazed the "computer teacher" and wowed my friends. How I was able to accomplish such great feats was simple, I knew the English language and I could click and drag a mouse. HyperCard did the complex magic of making my calculators work, my translater's speak, and my rolodex flow.
... However, there is a team at RunRev who has created the next generation and it is called LiveCode. While I became aware of it early this year, it was a commerical application and outside of thinking about the old days, I don't do enough programming to justify the cost. Then something great happened… the team at RunRev decided that LiveCode should be the next HyperCard again and it should become Open Source. Giving back to this generation a great platform that takes the simplicity of HyperCard and extends it beyond just Macs, but truly lets you build an application and run it on multiple platforms like Windows, Linux, Mac, iOS, Android, Kindle, etc.

Now here is the rub, they need to raise a good deal of cash to make this happen. They have started a Kickstarter campaign to do so and it has some great backers already including Steve "Woz" Wozniak and myself. Everyone can code with LiveCode, so if you were a fan of HyperCard or just wish you could have been, help make it a reality for this generation too. Please back the LiveCode project, there is 14 days to go." ~ Silesville 13 Feb 2013

"So will LiveCode be like usual programming languages with complex codes and symbols? Absolutely not. LiveCode will be English-like language with minimal use of symbols, jargon, and other elements found on complex languages. On top of that the simple drag and drop elements will make app development a breeze, which is perfect for anyone who has just started learning to program or for kids." ~ ETechMag 29 Jan 2013
Bluemango "With LiveCode, our company was able to create an application that runs on Mac and Windows, was developed by a really small team and allowed us to quickly iterate over the design and features. LiveCode can also create applications that run on iPhone, iPad, Linux and Android phones. It is great for creating little utilities that solve your day-to-day business problems." ~ Bluemango

This digest is a small but representative selection of the news coverage that is circulating at the moment, but it covers the energy that is currently surrounding our objective. Further English and International publications including Italian, French, German and Japanese can be accessed via our News Coverage page.

Hanson Schmidt-Cornelius

About the Author

Hanson Schmidt-Cornelius is an experienced software developer with an interest in artificial intelligence.

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