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Issue 146 | January 11th 2013 Contact the Editor | How to Contribute

Happy New Year!
2013 has well and truly started, and RunRev would like to wish you all the best

By Heather Laine

Edinburgh Fireworks

I don't know about you, but I had a great Christmas and New Year break. A family Christmas and a proper Scottish New Year set me up nicely to tackle 2013. It's the time of year to relax, enjoy time with friends and family, exchange gifts and generally let your hair down.

Its also a time to reflect, look back on the year gone, and consider the year ahead. Sometime after midnight on 1st January, with a few good whiskeys inside and fireworks exploding outside, one may find oneself musing on the meaning of life. What is RunRev doing for the world? Why are we here and how do we take it to the next level?

Over the course of the last year, we spent some time considering exactly this question. What is our mission statement? We came up with this:

RunRev is a software technology company that empowers people to release their potential.

We do this by taking the complexity out of programing mobile devices and computers.

Not exactly rocket science (well actually, LiveCode is used to power some space projects...) but a worthwhile aim nonetheless we feel. Working at the coalface so to speak, and in day to day contact with customers, I do get to hear often from customers new and old how empowered they feel by LiveCode. People who would not consider themselves programmers are able to take control of their computers and technology instead of letting it control them.

Young people get a real buzz of excitement when they discover that they can make software themselves that does new things on their devices. Instead of being passive consumers they become active explorers, and hopefully some of them will go on to be movers and shakers in the technoworld we are heading into. 2012 saw RunRev make great strides in education, especially in Scotland itself, and education is going to be a huge part of 2013 for LiveCode.

Business people love LiveCode because of the productivity benefits. Time is money and LiveCode saves time in spades. Whether you want a quick and dirty utility to perform a one off task, are prototyping apps to show clients, or are making full blown, fully featured apps, LiveCode is right there and ready to go. Last year we added Embedded LiveCode for all you pro's out there, this year we have great plans which of course I cannot tell you about...yet.

Hobbyists love LiveCode simply because its fun. Like doing the crossword, coding in LiveCode is a great way to keep yourself sharp and learn new things all the time. Discovering new cool things to make your computer do, like turn the lights on and off remotely, or create an app to entertain the grandchildren may not be a serious occupation but who says it all has to be serious? Play is vital to all human beings, and enabling people to enjoy themselves is a very worthwhile thing to do.

Enough musing. You'll find in this newsletter a very helpful tutorial on iOS security from Mark Smith, a lesson on Server Cookies, and a special January offer from us at RunRev to help you get the New Year off to a flying start. It only remains to wish you all

A Very Happy and Prosperous New Year!

Heather Laine

About the Author

Heather Laine is Customer Services Manager for RunRev Ltd

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