Issue 82 * November 17 2009

Rev 4.0 Launch Party
San Francisco, California - November 11, 2009

by Samantha Steinwinder

"I would not have been able to create this without Rev," was the sentiment heard throughout the evening at the Rev 4 launch party Wednesday night. More than 50 people came together at Varnish Fine art in San Francisco to talk Rev, demo the new version, share tales of development success, and show off their Rev-based accomplishments. The anticipation for Rev 4 was high, and matched by customer enthusiasm for coming together, mixing with other Rev fans and meeting the team in a cocktail-party setting.

"This is a great night for connecting with our customers and press, and hearing how Rev is helping people become more productive, creative and successful - that's what we love to hear," said CEO Kevin Miller. "We can see on our customers' faces and in the applications they're creating that we're on the cusp of breaking out, pushing Rev into the mainstream, and broadening our support. This is a great time for the Rev community."

C:\Users\Samantha\Documents\a.RUNREV\Meetup Nov11\Event Photos\IMG_0572.JPGAfter an hour of mixing and munching, customers tuned in for Kevin's presentation on the new version, company history, and a look at a handful of customers who are transforming their businesses and projects using Rev. Folks were anxious to dig deeper into the new version, peppering Kevin with questions about the features and ways to bring Web-based development into their projects. Each received a USB key with Rev 4 so that they can get started right away.

Throughout the night, CTO Mark Waddingham was never more than a foot away from his machine, demoing the new version, answering questions through the product itself, and turning over the mouse to put customers in control. Kevin circulated through the crowd addressing questions, fielding ideas, pontificating about the industry, and evading questions about our mobile strategy (patience, dear fans, mobile is on the horizon!).

"I haven't been excited like this for 20 years," said Alex Adams of A2 Partners. He chose Rev because the technology he's developing requires "a combination of tools I haven't been able to find anywhere." Adams is using Rev to create "everything to everything" technology, applying advanced tools to tackle "wicked problems," and Rev is enabling breakthrough discoveries. "You guys are partially responsible for me enjoying my work."

C:\Users\Samantha\Documents\a.RUNREV\Meetup Nov11\Event Photos\IMG_0573.JPGEvery customer I spoke with shared that enthusiasm. Rory Bolzer is having so much fun he's gearing up to teach his 11-year-old grandson to evolve his passion for building games in the real world, to creating online games in Rev. Bill Vlahos showed off his new InfoWallet software, created entirely in Rev, which houses an individual's most important personal and medical information in one application, easily accessible, updatable and perfectly secure.

C:\Users\Samantha\Documents\a.RUNREV\Meetup Nov11\Event Photos\IMG_0570.JPGOne of the most exciting Rev solutions in development is the newly-launched Math Gadgets from fifth grade teacher Max Shafer--proving you don't have to be a trained programmer to develop incredible software. Designed to teach math to youngsters in an easy, exciting and effective way, Math Gadgets is certain to catch on in academia with its intuitive structure, interactive learning approach, and beautiful interface.

One of the many highlights of the evening was the chance for customers and press to meet Mike Markkula (middle, right). The early Apple investor is a long-time customer and supporter of Rev, and an icon in the Mac community--credited with giving Apple the freedom to create. (Thank you, Mike). His expectations for Rev success are great, and his enthusiasm, shared by that of our active and passionate customer-base, reveals that we're looking forward to a road ahead for Rev.

About the Author

Samantha Steinwinder is Managing Director of Concept Communications, recently appointed to the care of RunRev's PR operations.

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