Issue 76 * August 6 2009

A Solid Foundation For Your Revolution Applications
GLX Application Framework 1.1 Released

by Trevor DeVore

Revolution is the fastest way to write code that runs on multiple platforms without a lot of hassle. That code can be delivered as desktop applications, web applications or even running in a web browser. If you are delivering your application on the desktop then the GLX Application Framework ensures that you stay productive with Revolution and don't get stuck trying to implement universal application features.

The GLX Application Framework provides the underlying infrastructure you need for creating professional-grade applications on Mac and Windows. This allows you to focus on making your application unique and valuable instead of wasting time setting up mundane features such as undo support. Using the framework saves you time and makes you more productive.

The framework takes care of common tasks such as splash stacks, loading stacks and externals at launch, working with user preferences, auto updating, undo management and more.

What's New in 1.1?

Some of the new features in version 1.1 are:

  • A customized libURL library that seamlessly handles cookies, supports HEAD and non-blocking POST requests and allows your application to connect to the internet through a multitude of proxy servers.
  • An undo manager.
  • Improved auto update mechanism.
  • Preferences can now be stored for the current user as well as shared among all users on the computer.

Plus there are a number of bug fixes and enhancements that will make building applications even easier.

Learn More:

About the Author

Trevor DeVore is a partner in Blue Mango Learning Systems, creator of Screensteps and long time Revolution user.

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